• Bipolar Babes Club - Wellness

    Gardening Therapy: Cultivating Wellness for Bipolar Individuals in Spring

    As the vibrant hues of springtime emerge, so too do opportunities for renewal and growth. For individuals grappling with bipolar disorder, this season of rejuvenation can present both promise and challenge. Amidst the blossoming flowers and warming temperatures, the fluctuations in mood characteristic of bipolar disorder may intensify, highlighting the…

  • Bipolar Babes Club

    Bipolar Disorder & Substance Abuse

    I’ve talked about living with bipolar disorder many times here. Lately, my content has been more light-hearted and welcoming spring. But with World Bipolar Day being so recent (March 30), I thought it was important to share a post about it. For those who don’t know, bipolar disorder is a…

  • Bipolar Babes Club - Holidays

    World Bipolar Day Gift Guide – 2024

    Welcome to our World Bipolar Day Gift Guide for 2024! As we commemorate World Bipolar Day on March 30th, we celebrate the strength, resilience, and creativity of individuals living with bipolar disorder. This annual observance aims to raise awareness, reduce stigma, and promote understanding of this mental health condition. In…

  • Bipolar Babes Club - Wellness

    50+ Benefits Of Using A Prompted Journal

    In the business of our daily lives, finding moments of reflection, self-discovery, and personal growth can be a challenge. That’s where prompted journals come into play, serving as invaluable companions on the journey of self-exploration. In this article, I’ll share the numerous benefits of using a prompted journal. These purposefully…

  • Bipolar Babes Club

    Guest Post #2

    In March of 2020 – right when covid was ramping up I had a two-month manic episode where I was completely out of my mind. Never had one before and didn’t think anything was wrong. I had lived in the same area for over 20 years so a lot of…

  • Bipolar Babes Club - Wellness

    The Prompted Journal For Every Mood

    Finding moments of reflection and self-discovery can be challenging in our fast-paced world. Yet, journaling has long been a therapeutic and empowering practice, allowing individuals to delve into their thoughts and emotions, set goals, and track personal growth. Prompted journals take this practice to the next level, providing structured questions…

  • Bipolar Babes Club

    Types of Bipolar Disorder

    Bipolar disorder is a complex and multifaceted mental health condition affecting millions worldwide. It’s a diagnosis that encompasses a spectrum of mood disorders, and understanding its various types is essential for both individuals living with bipolar disorder and those seeking to support them. In this article, I’m sharing the intricate…

  • Bipolar Babes Club

    A Guest Post – #1

    Hey! I’m BLANK, and I am one of the founders of this group. I am a storyteller by nature. It’s my unconscious way of communicating with people and trying to relate to them. Unfortunately, that makes me quite long-winded, so I am scripting this intro to keep me on track…

  • Bipolar Babes Club

    100 Bipolar Disorder Facts You Need To Know

    Welcome to an extensive exploration of bipolar disorder, a complex and often misunderstood mental health condition. This article will present 100 bipolar disorder facts, shedding light on its various aspects, from its definition and symptoms to its management and impact on individuals’ lives. By delving into these facts, I aim…

  • Bipolar Babes Club

    Bipolar Disorder Treatment Options: Medications, Therapy, and Lifestyle Changes

    Bipolar disorder is a complex mental health condition affecting millions worldwide. Managing bipolar disorder requires a comprehensive approach that combines various treatment options, including medications, therapy, and lifestyle changes. This article aims to explore the available treatment options for bipolar disorder, offering insights into how these interventions can help individuals…

  • Bipolar Babes Club

    The Symptoms Of Bipolar Disorder

    Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition characterized by extreme mood swings ranging from intense euphoria and elevated energy (mania or hypomania) to episodes of deep sadness, hopelessness, and low energy (depression). These mood episodes can significantly impact an individual’s thoughts, emotions, behavior, and overall functioning. Understanding the symptoms of…